
This is the style guide approved by Christians For Equality. Text, Colors, Buttons and related classes and shades are included here for reference.

Logo Styles


Headline Font: Libre Baskerville, serif

Body Font: Rubik, sans-serif

Monospace Font: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, Liberation Mono, Courier New, monospace

Headline Styles

This line is an example of our H1 Style

This line is an example of our H2 Style

This line is an example of our H3 Style

This line is an example of our H4 Style

This line is an example of our H5 Style
This line is an example of our H6 Style

Body Text

The map of the structural features of Australia and the surrounding region shows the distribution of the main tectonic units. The primary distinction is between the plates of oceanic lithosphere, generated within the past  160 million years by seafloor spreading at the oceanic ridges, and the continental lithosphere, accumulated over the past 4 billion years.

Bold/Strong :- This text corresponds to our bold text style.

Italic :- This text corresponds to our italic text style.

Underline :- This text corresponds to our underline text style.

Unordered List

  • Small steps each day
  • Don't overdo, just do
  • Choices made, make life
  • You have the power

Ordered List

  1. Make your life beautiful
  2. Think less, live longer
  3. Pray silently, live contentedly
  4. Be your own version


This text color corresponds to .text-primary class.

This text color corresponds to .text-secondary class.

This color corresponds to .text-success class

This color corresponds to .text-info class

This color corresponds to .text-warning class

This text color corresponds to .text-danger class

This color corresponds to .text-light class

This color corresponds to .text-dark class

This color corresponds to .text-muted class

This color corresponds to .text-white class

Colored Shades

Primary color: #F28737
Class:- .bg-primary
Secondary color: #1E486A
Class:- .bg-secondary
Success color: #28a745
Class:- .bg-success
Info color: #17A2B8
Class:- .bg-info
Warning color: #FFC1077
Class:- .bg-warning
Danger color: #dc3545
Class:- .bg-danger
Dark color: #343A40
Class:- .bg-dark
Light color: #F0F0F0
Class:- .bg-light